Don’t give money to people who hate you.
Don’t give money to people who hate you.
Don’t. Give money. To people who hate you.
And to be clear, your attention translates to money. Ratings, viewership clout, eyeballs on the screen, translates to money. Talking about how much something sucks is still talking about that thing. Stop it. Stop feeding the trolls.
Do you think DevilMouse is upset that the pop-culture cultists are unwilling to walk away from Skaven Wars now that Skaven Wars is all about hating Old Wars fans? Do you think the reams of electronic ‘criticism’ of their dumpster fire of a mess of bad fanfic upsets them? No, you are still engaging with the material. You still paid money to watch their contempt for you displayed on the big screen.
This is also true with the Rangz of Colour. Only more so. Don’t hate watch it. Talk about it as little as possible. It sucks as bad and as hard as any Bad Reboot hack job has ever sucked before. Remember it is not enough to know that ‘evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made’, you must also act on this.
When in a kulturkampf, you must have your own kultur. Either create it. Or support those that do.
So consider tossing a coin to your Writer, eh?
And remember, no hatewatching!
No! Fookin! Hatewatching!